Carnelian, famously called the energy booster and emotional balancer, is available in various parts of the world. Being a chalcedony form belonging to quartz variety, this gemstone has been used for several centuries by various cultures. The beautiful gemstone has various properties attached to it and medical and mystical properties naturally are part of it.
Suggestions with regard to the origin of the name of this gemstone vary. While it is believed that the name has its roots in Latin language, some claim that it comes from the equivalent of horn in Latin. Some believe that the gemstone obtained its name from the Latin word meaning cherry. Horn or cherry, both refer to the color of the famous gemstone. Traces of the gemstone were first found in Arabian deserts and Egyptian deserts. The countries that produce carnelian include India, Brazil, Australia, China, United Kingdom, USA, Uruguay and Peru.
Carnelian From Egypt
Carnelian was found in abundance in Egypt, as it was available in various sources in the land. Though it was a commonly found material in Egypt, the values attached to the gemstone made it precious. They were used in the making of royal jewelry. The gemstone was seen to be associated with various powers and hence it was carried along by the ancient people of the land hoping it would protect them and calm their minds. The gemstone, in short, was an integral part of the lifestyle of ancient Egypt.
Carnelian From India
India is a major source of carnelian gemstones. You could find some of the ancient deposits of this gemstone on Indian soil. Mostly in deep reddish brown color, the gemstone is sourced in India from Deccan region, Bengal and Ratnapur.
Beliefs Associated With Carnelian Gemstones Across The World
Egyptians believed that the gemstone possessed supernatural powers. They believed that the gemstone would aid in their travel after death and hence worn these gemstones as amulets. You could find many Egyptian tomes engraved with carnelian gemstones. Apart from their concern on life after death, they also believed that the gemstone would bring good luck.
India, where some of the ancient deposits of these gemstones were found, believed in the mystic powers of the gemstone. They too trusted in the powers of the gemstone to enable comfortable travel after death when the soul leaves the body. Tibetans were no exceptions to this belief either.
The gemstone was used by ancient Romans and Greeks as well. Some of the excavations show that this gemstone was very much in the bloodstream of the ancient culture. With some of the best properties associated with this gemstone, it is no wonder that Romans and Greeks believed it to be a savior.
Being a commonly available material, these gemstones were used in various parts of the world since ancient times. While details of the sources of mining in some of the places are not available, there are various evidences to show that the beliefs on the powers of gemstones were widespread. Be it about the powers to ward off evils, offer protection from various health conditions and its support in the traveling of soul after death, the beliefs crossed all barriers in the world. Some of such beliefs still hold good making the gemstone one amongst the most sought after in the jewelry world