
Azurite Rough

Azurite is an azure-blue copper mineral, occasionally found as prismatic crystals (rarely faceted), but more usually in massive form intergrown with malachite.

Found specifically in copper-mining areas for example Australia, Chile, Russia, Africa, and China. Stones from Chessy, near Lyons in France are known as chessylite.

Azurite Pictures

Azurite Rough Azurite Crystal

Azurite mine in the Mojave Desert Rough Azurite Mineral

Cause of Color :


Chemical Composition :

Copper Carbonate (unstable state) – Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2

Classification / Type :

The unstable state alters to malachite and is generally found in combination as azumalachite.

Crystal System / Forms :

Monoclinic System / Prismatic crystals, botryoidal, stalagmatic, massive, banded.

Cuts & Uses :

Cabochons, beads, carvings.

Hardness : 3.5 - 4
Lustre : Vitreous to waxy
Magnification :

Surface texture

Optic Character :

Anisotropic, D.R.; Biaxial positive

Pleochroism : Distinct shades of blue (in single crystal)
Refractive Index / Birefringence :

1.730 – 1.840 / 0.110

Simulants (with separation tests) :

Azurmalachite (structure), Lapis Lazuli (structure, R.I., S.G.), Chrysocolla (structure, R.I., S.G.)

Sources :

U.S.A. (Arizona), Namibia, France, Romania, Australia, Siberia.

Specific Tests :

Attacked by hydrochloric acid, light blue streak.

Spectrum :

Not characteristic

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