Dear Srinivas Sir, Thank you

Sanjay Kabir

Dear Srinivas Sir,

Thank you so much for answering my question.I respect your knowledge and feel delighted to have conacted you on this forum.

Sir, I completely agree with the first 3 answers but the 4th answers seems to be a little contracdicting as I saw betterment in my profession from 6th of January 2014 and have got my contract renewed for the next 2 years just today (23rd June 2014). So, I am just trying to understand what planetary changes took place in my kundali on the 19th June which you have mentioned about.

Sir, I will be really thankful to you if you can put some more light on the planetary changes of 19th June if this period is not so favourable for me then how come my contract got renewed which I wasn’t even expecting.

With all due respect to you Sir, I will be looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks & Regards,
