Blue and White Stone Identification

Home Forums Specific Discussion Identification Blue and White Stone Identification

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    I’m new to the site and have so much to learn!  I look forward to reading the forums.

    Can anyone tell me what this stone is?  I’ve been told that it’s sodalite, but I have my doubts.  The white is more spot than vein, though coloration is similar.  It has been suggested that it is sodalite but mined from an area whose deposits vary from what I know sodalite to be.

    Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated. 



    The possibilities can be:

    1. Lapis Lazuli – The appearance. Low quality of lapis lazuli without pyrite crystals/lines.
    2. Dyed Quartz – Since the stone has a high concentration of colors at some areas, it shows an indication of dying.
    3. Sodalite – The appearance.
    4. Dumortierite – At first glimpse, I thought it is Dumortierite as I have seen some similar stones in past.

    The stone cannot be concluded as “Sodalite” unless R.I. & S.G. are taken.


    The stone for me is Lapis Lazuli / Sodalite, same family specially for the greasy aspect.
    You can use a drop of “Nitric Acid” to check it, if the drop disolve the spot, you know it is Sodalite.
    But, if you get a foul odor consider it as Lapis Lazuli.

    Good Luck

    osman khattak

    Yes Antonio, this stone is low quality lapis lazuli.

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