Gomed Stone Advise

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    Hello ,


    My self ARUN from bangalore.

    My details are mentioned below:

    Name: Arun

    DOB: 26-03-1984


    Tie of Birth: 2:37 AM

    I was asked to wear Gomed stone (2.5 carat) by astrologer due to Rahu dasa. I was wearing the  gomed ring since then in my RIGHT HAND RING FINGER and did not find much improvements.

    I am working in an IT firm and have a strong desire to work abroad (USA) ,which ever IT company i join I get my Visa, but when it comes to travel it does happen.

    This had happen twice and now I have joined a new company which has agreed to transfer my visa to find an opportunity in US.

    Most of them say that the GOMED stone should not be wore on ring finger, it should in middle finger.

    Kindly advise. Awaiting your reply.


    small correction. I get my VISA for US, but I never get a chance to travel.

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